Jewelry with silver:
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Green Amber Jewelry;
Jewelry with no silver: Amber Necklaces,
Amber Bracelets,
Jewelry Sets: Amber Jewelry Sets |
Amber Silver Ring RG3014 Available for posting in 2 days.
Buy this Ring for just 25.00 Euro or $35 (shipping and handling FREE) !!!
Ring Sizer(pdf)
Photo of this piece of Amber Jewelry - Amber Silver Ring taken in Fota Gardens, Co. Cork, Ireland; Summer.
Amber silver ring with a rounded rectangular cognac amber eye. The amber stone is quite flat, like a piece of calm, deep amber ocean, where you sit at the beach and watch quiet amber waves while the sun set. Sight of these warm, calm waves brings peace to your mind, peace that you need so much.
There is a matching product pendant PE3014. Take advantage of the discount when buying them as set Set3014.
For information on wholesale amber jewelry purchase - pricing and conditions - see our Wholesale page.
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